Библиография по перуанской археологии и искусству - Рефераты по географии
Fi A - Fieldiana: Anthropology. Chicago.
FMNH - Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago.
- AM - Anthropology Memoirs.
GR - Geographical Review. New York.
HSAI - Handbook of South American Indians.
ICA - International Congress of Americanists.
ILN - Illustrated London News. London.
MN - Museo Nacional. Lima.
NP - Nawpa Pacha. Berkley.
- Museo Nacional de Antropologia y Arqueologia.
- A - Arqueologicas.
- R - Revista.
PMAAE - Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Cambrige, Mass.
- P - Papers.
Rc - American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon (Radiocarbon Supplement).
RAI - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London.
- J - Journal.
RGA - Revista Geografica Americana. Buenos Aires.
S - Science. New York.
SAA - Society for American Archaeology. Menasha,
- M - Memoirs.
SAP - Societe clos Americanistes de Paris. Paris.
- J - Journal, n. s
SEEH - Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Historicos.
- B - Boletin Quito
SJA. - Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. Albuquerque.
UC - University of Califorrsia. Berkeley - Los Angeles.
- PA - Publications in Anthropology.
- PAAE - Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,
VFPA - Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology.
New York.
YAS - Yale Anthropological Studies. New Haven.
YU - Yale University. New Haven.
- PA - Publications in Anthrnpology.
ZE - Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie.
Дата публикации: 2004-11-05 (32114 прочтено)