Атмосфера: состав и строение

Земля окружена слоем газов, что называются атмосферой. Атмосфера очень важна для жизни на Земле и делает многое, чтобы защитить и помочь человечеству жить.

Структура Земли

Может показаться, что Земля – это один большой кусок твердой скалы, но она состоит из нескольких частей. Некоторые из них постоянно движутся!

Все об Англии и Лондоне - Рефераты по географии

Рефераты по географии > Все об Англии и Лондоне

London Places of Interest.

   There are a lot of places of in­terest in London. Among them are: Westminster Abbey, Houses of Par­liament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London.

London stands on the river Thames. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings of the city. Many centu­ries ago it was a fortress, a royal pa­lace and then a prison. Now it is a museum of arms.

On the bank of the Thames, not far from the Tower of London, you can see Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British government and it is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. In one of its towers there is the famous Big Ben, the larg­est clock of England. It strikes ev­ery quarter of an hour.

Buckingham Palace is the Queen's official London residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there.

London has many fine squares. Some of them are quiet, others are busy like Trafalgar Square. Tra­falgar Square is the central square of the city. To the right of the square there is the National Gallery which has a fine collection of Europian paintings.

    St. Paul's Cathedral is the big­gest English church. Another famous church is Westminster Abbey where kings, queens, and many fa­mous people are burried.

London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Park is the most democratic park in the world, as anyone can say anything he likes there. Regent's Park is the home of London Zoo.

I'd like to see it all myself.

Дата публикации: 2004-11-05 (4093 прочтено)